With some research I discovered many supplements have a good
evidence base to support their use in specific conditions. My only concern is that people don’t treat
themselves without a doctor’s guidance and that supplements should not be used
instead of prescribed medication.
Here is my guide to some that have been proven
to help maintain health and even treat disease, that I, and other doctors,
Positive results:Taking vitamin supplements can sometimes yield real health benefits |
Vitamin B for brain function
THE EVIDENCE: All eight B vitamins are involved in
a whole host of bodily functions, from controlling metabolism to the production
of red blood cells.
The Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and
Ageing (OPTIMA) found that tablets containing Vitamin B12 and B6, and folic
acid slowed shrinkage of the brain by an average of 30 per cent a year in
patients with possible early stage dementia.
THE DOSE: It’s early stage research, but they
suggest 500micrograms of B12, 20 milligrams of B6, and 800 micrograms of folic
acid daily. These are quite high doses so you may need to buy separate supplements.
Multivitamin for male fertility
THE EVIDENCE: Much has been written about
antioxidants in preventing cancer but the real news is the emerging evidence
that they can improve male fertility.
Trials have shown that men who took a
combination of oral antioxidants – including vitamins C and E, zinc,
selenium, folate, L-carnitine and carotenoids – showed an improvement in
either sperm quality or pregnancy rate in their partners after taking the
supplements. Experts are yet to understand their importance in sperm quality.
THE DOSE: There is much debate about exact doses
that produce the best effects but research suggests doses in the region of:
Vitamin C 1000mg, Vitamin E 400-600mg, selenium 100-225micrograms, B-carotene
30mg, L-carnitine 2g. However, it’s easier to simply take one of the tablets
specifically designed to help conception.
Fish oil for mental health
THE EVIDENCE: There’s a surprising amount of
research supporting the use of fish oils in patients with conditions ranging
from depression to schizophrenia.
Experts do not fully understand how omega-3
fatty acids help reduce the symptoms of mental disorders but it is thought it
helps the neurons (brain cells) communicate more efficiently.
THE DOSE: If you suffer depression or other mental
illness you should take one to three grams of omega 3 daily, but speak to
your GP if you are on blood-thinning medication.
Fish oils can help reduce symptoms connected with conditions ranging from depression to schizophrenia |
Zinc for beating colds
THE EVIDENCE: Zinc is involved in making white
blood cells, which help the body to fight colds. I advise elderly patients to
take Vitamin C with zinc supplements in the winter as while one fights
infection, the other helps heal.
THE DOSE: One tablet contains 10mg. Take daily
throughout winter as a preventative or as soon as symptoms begin and until they
subside. Effervescent tablets, which are dissolved in water, can be acidic so
drink with a straw.
Vitamin D for strong bones
THE EVIDENCE: Numerous studies have found that
elderly adults who take Vitamin D supplements have stronger bones. Many
orthopaedic surgeons recommend supplements to those recovering from
This is because Vitamin D helps regulate the
amount of bone-building calcium and phosphate in the body.
A recent review of all the scientific literature
published about Vitamin D also suggested that it might reduce the risk of
developing certain cancers, heart disease and diabetes in later life, too.
THE DOSE: If you are aged over 65 you should
take a supplement of 10 micrograms (1000iu) each day.
Studies show people who take Vitamin D supplements have stronger bones |
Peppermint for nausea
THE EVIDENCE: A study published in the British
Medical Journal concluded that peppermint oil was the best treatment for those
who suffer with irritable bowel syndrome.
This is because peppermint acts as an
anti-spasmodic, meaning that it prevents the stomach cramping and has no
side effects – apart from making your breath smell minty. It is
also a natural painkiller.
THE DOSE: Take one capsule three times a day before
Ginkgo Biloba for sharp memory
THE EVIDENCE: I often suggest taking ginkgo biloba
to elderly people who have memory problems if other treatments haven’t worked,
or if their symptoms are not severe enough to warrant prescribed
Ginkgo is a type of tree that produces
fan-shaped leaves which have been used for thousands of years in traditional
Chinese medicine.
THE DOSE: A trial in 2010 found that just
240mg a day was significantly superior to a placebo in
treating memory problems.
Vitamin C for speedy healing
THE EVIDENCE: Countless studies tried to prove
Vitamin C fights colds but only found it offers little assistance. However,
Vitamin C is vital for skin growth and cell regeneration as it is involved in
the production of collagen, a key component of skin. A surgeon I once
worked with insisted that all his patients took a supplement
His reasoning was that as Vitamin C is a
water-soluble vitamin – meaning that the body cannot store it – we need a ready
supply, especially when the body is trying to rebuild tissue.
THE DOSE: Take 1g of Vitamin C daily while your
wounds heal. Slow-release tablets ensure you do not excrete it too quickly.
Folic acid for pregnancy
THE EVIDENCE: Folic acid (Vitamin B9) is one
supplement that every woman should know about. It has been consistently shown
to be of benefit in pregnant women to help reduce the risk of neural tube
defects, such as spina bifida.
THE DOSE: Take 400iu daily as soon as you begin
planning a child, and continue for the first three months of pregnancy, when
the baby’s spine is growing.
Health boost: Folic acid is of benefit to pregnant women and helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida |
Garlic for heart health
THE EVIDENCE: Since reading up on the evidence for
garlic, I’ve taken a tablet every day. The University of Maryland has found
that it boosts circulation, reduces cholesterol and blood pressure by eight per
cent as well as slowing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and
reducing the risk of cancer.
Although the benefits are slight in each area,
when taken overall, it has a potent effect.
THE DOSE: Up to 900mg per day has been shown to be
Ginger for nausea
THE EVIDENCE: Ginger has been used for hundreds of
years as a traditional remedy for sickness but there’s actually good evidence
that it works. It’s particularly useful in the nausea associated with morning
A study carried out by the University of
Adelaide in Australia found ginger as effective as anti-nausea medication in
pregnant women.
Ginger for an upset stomach may seem so obvious
it’s a cliche but studies have shown that it may help with post-operative
nausea, chemotherapy-induced nausea and sea sickness.
THE DOSE: Just one gram daily of fresh ginger is
enough to have an effect. Or take a supplement as needed, following the
directions on the bottle.
Green tea for fur-free veins
THE EVIDENCE: Japanese research has shown that those
who drink green tea regularly have lower total cholesterol levels than those
who don’t, although why is not fully understood.
While the effect is small compared with
cholesterol-lowering drugs, it can be useful in those with slightly high levels
who are trying to reduce their cholesterol levels naturally.
THE DOSE: Just one cup daily is needed to see an
effect, or take a daily supplement.
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